I'm a 30-year old married, childless Canadian blue-collar worker & absentee landlord. My wife and I don't much like the weather here. half of the year. Most of my spare cash goes toward building up unearned income so as to be able to relocate to a warmer climate. For a variety of reasons, among them our basic knowledge of Spanish (nowhere near fluent at this point, but it's a start), my own preference for the Americas, the availability of land for purchase, Paraguay is on the short list. How much do you think a hypothetical North American family of 4 or 5 would need to live comfortably in Asuncion? Let's say.....one vehicle, health insurance, groceries, rent of a decent 4-br home before eventually purchasing something? & Spanish lessons, of course. Also, how widely is high-speed internet distributed in Paraguay at this point? Thanks.